Not Sponsored • Keny Santizo

Not Sponsored is a personal project documenting amateur sports athletes through photography and sound. The work is ongoing and seeks to build an archive of inspiring and authentic stories that capture the essence of competition, community, and resilience found within each athlete. It is about finding limits, breaking them, and reframing beliefs in what can be achieved.

words by Keny Santizo

I believe running can be one of the purest forms of self-expression, it can take whatever form you need it to be. To me, it's evolved over the years and become an extension of who I am. From fueling my competitive spirit, finding peace and being a form of therapy, to testing my own physical capabilities. Running has changed and grown just as I have. 

The grind when training for a race is tough, but within that I've found how to enjoy the little things. Cold dark winter runs help me appreciate a warm room and a cup of tea, hot summer runs make a cold glass of water and shade all that much better. Running itself can translate to life, some runs are shit, some are ok, some are amazing. Without the lows there are no highs, peaks and valleys.
There's always gonna be someone out there faster than me, and that's fine. This sport will always be a competition amongst myself, as long as I'm happy with my growth there's not much more I can ask for. 

And if there's anything running has taught me - if you gotta go to the bathroom, just go, don't wait. 


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